This was an assignment for my Art Fundamentals II course. It was actually broken up into several assignments, but for the sake of organization I'm putting them all here under one entry. The gist of this project is that we had to write a character's personality and traits out, gather reference images from online, sketch out a couple variants, and do quite a few final illustrations based on whatever design we settled on.
This character's name is Immor Kamuy, a Dungeons & Dragons character of mine. He's an enigmatic little sorcerer man with grand plans for his life, and an undying interest in collecting all knowledge of magic possible. While he does have unspoken good intentions, he thoroughly enjoys the typical evil villain aesthetics and is very flashy on purpose. His goal is to become the greatest villain ever, and to do so, he must hunt down all other evil-doers in the larger world and best them in combat to prove that he is objectively more evil. Makes sense, right? Just make sure not to call him a hero. Immor Kamuy isn't even his actual birth name, but he's fully adopted it as his name to fit his over-the-top villainous persona. He will never willingly talk about his real intentions, choosing only to focus on his pursuit of magic and adventure. He behaves sort of like a mix of Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, Veigar from League of Legends, and Megamind from the movie of the same name.
I had plenty of fun with this assignment. Designing weird flashy villain wizard outfits was probably what I enjoyed most out of the entire project.
I actually revisited his design later in a quick drawing to give some life to him through use of color and some altered features. That illustration is visible below alongside other pieces that were part of this assignment.