Full turnaround of the sorcerer Immor Kamuy

Proportions and construction shapes for Kamuy's body

A revisited version of Kamuy, with color this time. I used the pose from the middle variant of Kamuy in the illustration below. I gave him more generally unkempt hair because he doesn't seem like he'd care much about that, as well as some big pauldrons and fancy boots to fit the aesthetic.

The three original variants of Kamuy before I settled on the final design for the assignment.
LEFT: A more regal Kamuy, donning a crown and very multi-layered ornate cloak.
MIDDLE: A very angry-looking Kamuy, almost like he's pouting.
RIGHT: A more traditionally-wizard-like outfit for Kamuy, sporting the classic mage hat and a hooded cloak.

Silhouette poses created using Kamuy's construction breakdown shapes, showing off how he moves.
LEFT: Kamuy preparing to cast some sort of large spell, raising his hands to gather power dramatically for style points.
MIDDLE: Kamuy casting a spell between his gauntlets to emphasize the edgy claw-like gauntlets he uses.
RIGHT: Just a dramatic pose, leaping into the air. Being the best evil sorcerer is all about presentation, even in the most pointless of moments.