Stream salamander anatomy illustrations

Armadillo anatomy illustrations

Two value/lighting spheres representing the animals' skins

This was an assignment for my Art Fundamentals II course. We started by selecting 2 animals in particular to do studies of. I selected the stream salamander and the armadillo, although in hindsight I regret choosing the armadillo as the scales on its outer shell would prove very tedious to illustrate.
For each selected animal, we illustrate the full animal from image reference, as well as two smaller illustrations of key details. We also had to produce two spheres with the texture of the animal's skin, showing proper lighting.
The final steps of the assignment had us merge the anatomies and key features of both animals and sketch 3 variants. Then finally, we select one, do a detailed illustration, and demonstrate where we'd place bones and joints if we were to rig this animal in 3D.​​​​​​​

Final hybrid animal illustration with the rigging bones and joints

Rough idea sketches of the 3 potential animal hybrids

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